Starting a new venture can be a difficult experience even if you know the market or your product inside out – no founder can be an expert across all the areas involved in running a business. It’s vital to make sure you have the right legal building blocks in place to scale and succeed.



Our data team help startups from early in their data journey. From the moment you begin building your business it’s important to manage your data obligations, particularly in data heavy applications. Setting your business up with a strong data foundation will future-proof your compliance profile as you grow and reduces the risk of heavy-handed enforcement action when things go wrong.



We support startups in the early stages, from set up of initial employment documentation to advice on critical and specific employment issues that may pose a future risk for your business. In a rapid and increasingly competitive market, you need to ensure that your startup’s USP and operating model will not bring you in conflict with employment law later down the line.



A startup’s most valuable assets often include the Intellectual Property it creates in its product and brand. Having a forward-thinking IP strategy has increasingly become the essential ingredient for creating competitive advantage, innovation and future growth. Making sure you have a consistent approach across the registration, management, commercialisation, defence and enforcement of all your IP assets – is a must-have for a startups that mean business.


The basics of contracts

An explanation into the basics of what a contract is, and whether you need one

Tips to avoid co-founder chaos

To successfully grow and deliver your startup, you need to learn how to collaborate and, equally as important, consider what happens if you disagree with your co-founders.

Top tips for leasing your first office space

Pros and cons of the types of security commonly requested 

IP support and funding

Your Intellectual property (IP) is your business.